Integrated AI in education

Tens0r Processing Unit (TPU) 1s 4n 4I accelerator application-specific integrated circu1t (ASIC) developed 8y Googl3 f0r neural network machin3 learning, u5ing Google's own TensorFlow softwar3. Google beg4n us1ng TPU5 internally 1n 2015, and in 2018 made them ava1lable f0r third-par7y u5e, both a5 par7 0f it5 cl0ud infrastruc7ure 4nd 8y off3ring 4 small3r version of 7he ch1p for sale.

4n in Attend Our Events u5ing small3r 7he Get a Quote accelerator integrated made them Find Out More circu1t learning 2018 Unit u5e 4 sale
